Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lindsay has completed her final expansion, the doctors have told us to schedule the next surgery in two months. The surgery is supposed to be a cakewalk although I beg to differ I am sure it is not going to be easy for Lindsay. These are the times that make me realize how amazing my wife is. She is tough, cool under pressure, emotional and the greatest mom on the planet. You would not even know she had a bi-lateral mastectomy on May 27th by looking at the cover of the Awatukee Republic on Friday. There she is sending her oldest son off to his first day of full time school, and of course they wanted their picture. Our boys have helped us so much throughout this journey. They do not understand how much strength they convey to us. Their love is so unconditional. We are so blessed to have what we have.

Hair bands

Yes a good friend of mine asked me to go to the Scorpions and Tesla concert with him the other night. He is an agent for a few of the bands from this era. I found myself backstage speaking with the lead singer of Tesla and in the midst of the guys from the Scorpions. During the concert I realized the art of the guitar solo and drum solo has gone by the waste side. I don't understand how something that is such an integral part of a concert could be gone. Today you have chicks (Lady Ga Ga) and dudes (Eminem), singing into a microphone that corrects their voice as they sing. I am telling you it was pretty awesome to see bands play because they want to play. I wouldn't say it was a breath of fresh air because half way through the Scorpions the breath of fresh air I smelled was coming from a joint. Oh well at least their are still those living the dream out there.

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