Monday, July 12, 2010

Yet another day at doctor Boll's office, these people are becoming family. Lindsay once again is in some pain due to another expansion, I think we are getting very close to being done with them. I hope so because I hate seeing her in pain I think she has gone through enough. We also were able to see the general surgeon Dr. Eden. He was very happy about the way things looked. He left it up to Lindsay on weather or not she would be going on Tamoxifen which is a hormone blocker. This is an effective yet scary drug, it creates mood swings and sometimes puts you into early menopause which is not ideal at 33. The hormones are what accelerate the cancer so that is what this is used to block. We will be getting more info from an oncologist soon. Just when you thought the fun was over!

Quick question

Why does the guy on the Bachelorette always have to tell everyone that they are down to the last rose? Could he please for once just stay in the hallway and let her give that last rose out? Talk about someone begging for airtime. What a joke. If you are wondering how I know so much about the show, it is because my wife MAKES me watch it.


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