Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lindsay just went back for surgery, they started the actual surgery at 8:21 am. She was somewhat nervous just before going back, the nurses were great they were crying with us as well. Dr. Semerad came to visit her just before she went in which was fantastic, he has been Lindsays doctor for many years and delivered our two children. All of the staff said we are in great hand with the doctors we chose. They have blocked off 7 hours for the surgery, hopefully it will be shorter. Thanks again for all of the love and support.



  1. Thanks for the update, Brian. We will be thinking of and praying for your family today. Sending much love and healing thoughts your way.

  2. We love you guys! Thank you for the update. I haven't stopped thinking about you all! Let me know if you need anything at all!

  3. The updates are much appreciated, Brian. Prayers and love to you both, you are in our constant thoughts.

  4. We'll be thinking of you all. Good things happen to good people and I know that The Mcmains will be stonger than ever when this is over.

    Let us know if we can help in anyway.

    Love Dave, Shelley, Ashland and Alexa Campbell
