Sunday, June 20, 2010

Well- it's been a couple of days- so I figured I would be the "guest blogger". It's Lindsay! Brian is spending the day traveling back from California with the boys. They had an amazing time back home- saw some friends, Uncle Ryan, Uncle Jake, cousins, and some great views at the Us Open! I am so glad they were able to go- but I will admit it made me a little homesick. What I wouldn't give to be back in Cali- maybe someday. Brian certainly deserved a break after all that he has been doing around here- maybe wasn't all that relaxing with 2 small children, but at least they could get away!

I have been feeling ok. Still moving extremely slow, but to be expected I suppose. I had Hadra with me over the weekend- she was very helpful. I am grateful for the unwavering friendships that are loving us and supporting us through this!

There are so many things that have happened over the last three weeks. We have been faced with challenges we've never faced before. We had difficult choices to make. As I look back now- I am so proud of what we have done. Our relationships are stronger, our faith is clear, and the little things just aren't as important. We've learned a lot about us, and a lot about those around us. From the time I was diagnosed, I said "I refuse to say I have breast cancer, I have simply been diagnosed. This will not become our life, it will be a part of our life. We will deal, and move on." As difficult as it has been at times, I believe that we have stuck to that- we are moving on! I say "we" and "us" because I certainly have not been doing this by myself. I have been carried throughout this by the love I receive from God, my husband, my children, and many more of you! The innocence and love from my little guys has been true medicine! I am so grateful. I await the day that we can help someone else who is going through this. I am ready to share, encourage, and walk alongside someone just beginning this journey.

Happy Father's Day to my amazing husband and all the wonderful fathers out there! Our children are watching every move we make- let's make smart moves!!!!!

Love to you all

1 comment:

  1. I love this "guest blogger" very much. Hang in there are amazing in every way!! XOXOXO Happy Father's Day also Brian!!
