Tuesday, June 1, 2010

4pm Just got back from the doctor she said the dressings on the drains look good even though they were hurting Lindsay pretty bad. Lindsay said it sure felt good to get some fresh air even though it is 100 degrees. We have another appt on Friday to get the discs on the drains changed out, common practice. Once again I think each day will get better, thanks for your thoughts.

Political Talk - Weather you agree or disagree with SB 1070 how does it make sense for the mayor of LA want everyone to boycott our state and the money coming into it. LA does not want their people to spend any money on conventions, loddging, restaurants etc. in Arizona. If they are so in favor of Hispanics why are they trying to take money out of their pockets? The last time I checked there was not a vote on this bill yet everyone wants to punish the people of our state. Do we boycott Mickey Mouse everytime the Govenator of California signs a bill that people may not agree with? Do we turn off Shamu's water supply everytime the Govenator of California says something people may not agree with?



  1. Glad Lindsay is doing well! And AMEN to your political talk! Love it!

  2. Yeah for Lindsay and yeah for your political talk!! We love you guys!!

  3. Lots of prayers. Lots. Hang in there. Much Love from the Zurn family!
